Are There Too Many Boat-Tubers?

I have seen this question pop up on social media a few times over the last few years, along with other, more mean-spirited posts and comments, making it clear that the poster or commenter is fairly anti-boat-tuber. 

In my opinion though, the answer is a firm no.

How could there possibly be too many?

There are many reasons I believe this, and here are a few of my thoughts.

Firstly, watching narrowboat videos is not compulsory. If you don’t want to watch them, you simply don’t have to. Just like if you don’t want to see someone’s posts on social media, you can unfollow or block or mute, and you can do this very easily. If watching narrowboat videos is not your thing generally, or if there are particular channels you don't enjoy for whatever reason, then that is absolutely fine… it is so easy to not click ‘play’ on a video… but… that doesn’t mean that you should have a say on whether the video gets to exist online in the first place. 

Secondly, choice. More video makers naturally means more choice for the viewer. More viewing choice can’t possibly be a bad thing. There are family boaters, marina-based boaters, constant cruisers, DIYers, new build boaters, self fit-out boaters, wide beams, narrow beams, paddle-boarders, occasional boaters, live-aboard boaters; you get my point, there is something for everyone. Choice is good. Each channel gives a slightly different insight into boat life too, every channel’s style and personality is different, this ranges from professionally edited films that wouldn’t look out of place on mainstream TV, right the way through to shaky camera, out of focus, shouty, raw, vlogs. There are how-tos, how not-tos, cruises, maintenance videos, boat shows reviews, history lessons, restoration explanations, interviews, tutorials, boat sales, so much wonderful choice, and for the really keen viewers, this just means endless hours of footage to enjoy

Lastly, and most importantly in my opinion. If any individual(s), boater(s) or non boater(s) wants to start a channel, then they absolutely should feel free and empowered to do so. There should never, and in reality there would never, be a limit on the number of people ‘allowed’ to pick up a camera and film and publish a vlog. For me, this makes the question of whether there are too many boat-tubers - utterly ridiculous. 

Anyone trying to ‘shame’ someone for creating a video or YouTube channel, should, perhaps look at themselves and think about why they would want to make someone feel bad for sharing a bit of their lives online.

For anyone looking for more boating content, here is a list of channels for you to enjoy.


Thoughts From Three Years Ago…


The Elephant In The Room